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About Cookies 
Cookies, transmitted to an internet user's hard drive, capture data like IP address, operating system, web browser, and system administration (if available). This data offers statistical insights into user website navigation. 
How we use Cookies 
Cookies serve to enhance our service. Certain cookies are indispensable for functionality, while others optimize performance and user experience. 
You can manage cookies through your browser settings, but this might limit access to all site features. 
Additionally, we use tracking pixels in marketing emails to assess interactions and campaign efficacy. You can disable tracking pixels by adjusting email settings. 

Managing Cookies 

Vital Cookies: 
  • Cart content memory. 
  • Order progress tracking. 
Functional Cookies: 
  • Account data retention. 
  • Secure connection assurance. 
  • Consistent website display. 

  • Chat support provision. 
Performance Cookies: 
  • Faster page loading. 
  • Enhanced user experience. 
Targeting Cookies: 
  • Social sharing and liking. 
  • Personalized advertising on other sites. 
Disabling Cookies 
You can customize stored cookies by adjusting browser settings. Each browser has distinct methods to restrict or block cookies. 

  • Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647
  • Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox 
  • Safari: https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/manage-cookies-sfri11471/mac  
Our Website's Cookies 
We detail cookies from partners and tools used on this site, along with their objectives. We're not accountable for third-party website content. 

  • Klaviyo: Cookies facilitate targeted marketing and measurement. 
  • Facebook: Enables relevant ads and conversion tracking. 
  • Google Analytics: Gathers anonymous data on site usage, aiding improvements. 
  • Google Ads (and DoubleClick): Enhances advertising relevance and performance tracking. 
  • Jivosite: Enables live chat communication with Customer Support. 
  • Clarity and Hotjar: Monitors user behavior on our site. 
We work to be a reference in the provision of health care and well-being.
Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm (GMT)
Av. Ivens, n 1-A 2610-268
2610-055 Alfragide